Monday, November 7, 2011

Timeline on Hieroglyphics

3500 B.C - Picture Writing: Before the ancient Egyptians had writing, they used pictures to communicate and record information. This system was useful for recording general information. However, the ancient Egyptians were not able to record specific information like dates and names using pictures.

3300 B.C:  Early Hieroglyphic signs Used

3200 B.C: Hieroglyphic Script developed . Hieroglyphic writing was the most sacred of the ancient Egyptian scripts. It was only used to record important information about religion or the pharaoh. Hieroglyphs were usually written on the walls of temples and tombs, or on stelai.

2700 B.C:  Hieratic Script developed. Hieratic is an ancient Egyptian script based on hieroglyphic signs. Hieratic was developed so that everyday information could be written down quickly and easily.

800 B.C:  Hieratic Script slowly replaced by be demotic script. Demotic was a script based on hieratic, but it was even faster and easier to write. Demotic was used mostly for business documents and everyday writing. By about 700 B.C. demotic had replaced hieratic as the script used for most official documents.

700 B.C:  Demotic Script used for most official documents.

300 B.C.:  Greek Script used in government documents. Greek was the official language in ancient Egypt under the Ptolemaic rulers. Thus, all official documents at this time were written in an Egyptian script, and in Greek script.

196 B.C: Rosetta Stone Carved. This stele was carved with an agreement between a group of priests and the Egyptian government. It was written in three different scripts that were used in ancient Egypt at that time: hieroglyphic, demotic and ancient Greek. This stone was found in A.D.1799 by one of Napoleon's soldiers working in the town of Rosetta (Rashid).

100 A.D: Coptic script developed. Coptic is a script used in ancient Egypt after the first century A.D.. It was based on the Greek alphabet, but included seven signs taken from demotic script. These seven demotic signs were used because there were certain sounds in the ancient Egyptian language that could not be expressed using the Greek letters.

300 A.D. : Hieroglyphic and demotic used for the last time. The last evidence of hieroglphic and demotic scripts being used is at the Temple of Philae in southern Egypt.

600 A.D. :  Arabic became primary language and script. Egypt was conquered by Arabs, that their own script, which became the official script in Egypt.

1500 A.D. : Coptic script stopped being used.

1799 A.D. Rosetta Stone found

1822 AD: Hieroglyphic script deciphered.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Eames view on time-lapse videos really changed how I view time-line oriented designs. Instead of just a standard 'follow from right-to-left', they show a very interesting way of showing information that hooks the viewer, instead of boring them to death.

So the question is, how do we apply this to our final projects? We need to find a way that captivates our viewers in following our information instead of just throwing facts out there and hope they just read it.